Thursday, June 4, 2015

Weeds, the soil, and weed identification

Wanting to learn more about our soil conditions based on the weeds and where they're thriving, I'm consulting the Web for more information.  Here's what I've found so far:

The Language of Weeds by way of the Chicago Botanic Gardens web site.

Weed Identification by way of the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) web site.

WEEDS: Don't Shoot the Messenger by Av Singh

Weeds: Guardians of the Soil by Joseph A. Cocannouer

Look to the Weeds by way of

In the process, I also discovered Acres USA, The Cut Flower Quarterly, and Backwood Home Magazine.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Victory Garden's Main and West, and Wright Gardens

Lucky girl that I am, a friend recently offered me one of two community garden plots that she maintains each season.  Due to a family matter that requires her attention, my friend knew that she would not have the time to make use of both of her plots this year, and also doesn't want to lose one of them by not using it or sacrificing it altogether.  The plot is being loaned to me this year and the plan works out perfectly for both of us.  The yield for our larder will increase tremendously, and my friend will maintain her second community garden plot.

My dream of having farmette, or at least two sunny, tillable acres, feels somewhat real with the three garden spaces I'm keeping this year.  There's the garden at my parent's house (Victory Garden Main), our garden plot (Wright Gardens), and now the community garden plot (Victory Garden West).

Planted at Victory Garden West:
Eggplant (4)
Celery (8)
Sweet corn (heirloom) (73)
Decorative corn (24)
Green cabbage (6)
Red cabbage (6)
Honeydew melon (2)
Yellow Crookneck squash (3)
Butternut squash (4)
Broccoli (1)
Cauliflower (4)
Tomato (Box Car Willie, heirloom) (1)
Melrose pepper (2)
Poblano pepper (2)
Serrano pepper (4)
Red bell pepper (6)
Green bell pepper (7)

Planted at Wright Gardens:
Green cabbage (3)
Red cabbage (2)
Celery (1)
Sweet corn (25)
Cucumber (1)
String bean (3)
Drying beans (4 varieties, 10 of each)
Leek (2)
Green bell pepper (3)
Red bell pepper (1)
Jalapeno pepper (2)
Kale (12)
Red beet
Golden beet
Tomato (9 varieties, heirloom)
Lettuce (mixed greens)
Lettuce (head) (4)
Garlic (2 varieties) (84)
Pumpkin (pie) (2)
Honeydew melon (1)
Yellow Crookneck squash (1)
Cantaloupe (4)
Fennel, basil, marjoram, thyme, rosemary, scallions, parsley, tarragon, oregano, sage, chives, and dill

Planted at Victory Garden Main:
Tomato (cherry) (4)
Tomato (2 varieties, heirloom) (3)
Cucumber (1)
Garlic (2 varieties) (60)
Parsley, basil, and dill


* * *

"If you truly get in touch with a piece of carrot, you get in touch with the soil, the rain, the sunshine.  You get in touch with Mother Earth and eating in such a way, you feel in touch with true life, your roots, and that is meditation.  If we chew every morself of our food in that way we become grateful and when you are grateful, you are happy."   -Thich Nhat Hanh

* * *

Enjoy the photos below.  Click on 'em to view in a larger format.

Blooms are everywhere!

This is a Mexico Midget tomato plant, and the fruit will get no larger than this.
They are said to be packed with a robust flavor despite their small size.

Nothing compares to Mother Nature's architecture.

I let our sage and chive plants bloom, and they're beautiful.

Strawberries are forming!

Black raspberries are forming!  Red raspberries, too.
Pictured here is Victory Garden West.  It was hard to crop the photo to show only the plot I have without losing perspective of its size.  It's the plot with the purple tub, and is 43' long by 25' wide.

Today I spied this crazy looking insect in the yard.  It looks like part earwig, part shrimp.

May your garden grow healthy and well.

Friday, February 20, 2015

2015 Growing Season Has Begun!

This afternoon I spent 2.5 hours in our basement planting seeds.  Four flats in all that include:
-Perfection Drumhead cabbage
-Tendercrisp celery
-Utah 52-70 celery
-Boston Pickling cucumber
-Florence fennel
-Bullnose bell pepper (sweet)
-Orange bell pepper (sweet)
-Georgia Flame pepper (hot)
-Craig's Grande Jalapeno
-Black Beauty eggplant
-Musselburgh leek
-Bianca Di Maggio onion (white)
-Flat of Italy onion (red)
-White Libson onion (scallion)

-Stump of the World
-Kim's Civil War Oxheart
-Ferris Wheel
-Abraham Lincoln
-Black Krim
-Big Rainbow
-Mexico Midget
-Green Giant
-Lillian's Yellow Heirloom
-Black Seaman
-Paul Robeson


Once the Earth is warm enough to direct-sow seeds, Wright Gardens will also be growing:
-Cherokee Trail of Tears beans
-Hidatsa Red Indian beans
-Brockton Horticultural beans
-Good Mother Stallard beans
-Empress beans
-Crapaudine beet
-Detroit Red beet
-Golden beet
-Atomic Red carrot
-Kaleidoscope carrot
-Carl's Glass Gems corn
-Country Gentleman corn
-Nero de Toscana kale
-Long Scarlet radish
-Anonas D'Amerique a Chair Verte melon
-Waltham Butternut squash
-New England Sugar Pie pumpkin (pie)

The countdown begins until the first germinated seed sprout is visible.

If you haven't already ordered seeds for your garden, now is a good time to remind you of the Useful Sites & Sources section of this blog.

Go, grow!