It's 7:07 p.m. and I'm sitting in the backyard. It's lovely out here. A gentle breeze is blowing while the sun sets, a few of summer's first cicadas are playing their music, birds are chirping, and a dozen or so bumble bees are busy gliding from flower to flower in the patch of fuchsia colored bergamot next to me. The sprinkler rocks back and forth giving the garden bed and blueberry bushes a much needed drink, too. It's such a relaxing way to end the day.
Yesterday afternoon the garlic was harvested. It now hangs in bunches from the rafters in the basement to dry (or cure) for the next two weeks. The harvest was bountiful and yielded eighteen bulbs of Chet's Italian Red, nineteen bulbs of Georgian Fire, and eighteen bulbs of Chesnok Red. Yes, that's fifty-five bulbs of garlic! The basement reeks of the sweet and slightly spicy perfume of garlic right now. Once there were about 10 bulbs of garlic resting on the lawn, the scent of garlic hung in the air in the backyard. The aroma grew more pungent as more bulbs emerged from the ground.
Garlic recipes will soon be added to Wright Garden Recipes, so stay tuned. If you're not already on that mailing list to receive an email when new posts are made, visit the blog and sign up.
A storm rolled through town yesterday. For the most part, it consisted of high blasts of wind and produced some pretty amazing, if not ought-to-be-on-alert, looking clouds. I snapped several photos of the clouds and although they have nothing to do with Wright Gardens or gardening, I'm including a few here anyway.
Yesterday afternoon the garlic was harvested. It now hangs in bunches from the rafters in the basement to dry (or cure) for the next two weeks. The harvest was bountiful and yielded eighteen bulbs of Chet's Italian Red, nineteen bulbs of Georgian Fire, and eighteen bulbs of Chesnok Red. Yes, that's fifty-five bulbs of garlic! The basement reeks of the sweet and slightly spicy perfume of garlic right now. Once there were about 10 bulbs of garlic resting on the lawn, the scent of garlic hung in the air in the backyard. The aroma grew more pungent as more bulbs emerged from the ground.
Chet's Italian Red |
Georgian Fire |
Chesnok Red |
Garlic recipes will soon be added to Wright Garden Recipes, so stay tuned. If you're not already on that mailing list to receive an email when new posts are made, visit the blog and sign up.
A storm rolled through town yesterday. For the most part, it consisted of high blasts of wind and produced some pretty amazing, if not ought-to-be-on-alert, looking clouds. I snapped several photos of the clouds and although they have nothing to do with Wright Gardens or gardening, I'm including a few here anyway.
Happy days. Sweaty pits. Dirty feet. Bountiful garden.