Saturday, August 20, 2011

August harvest!

Our first substantial basket of vegetables was picked today!  Included are Black from Tula, Green Zebra and Sweet 100 tomatoes; Serrano and Jalapeno peppers; pickling cucumbers, string beans and yellow squash.

The beets that were planted from seed have already been devoured, greens and all.  Out of all the seeds planted, three sprouted.  Of the three sprouts, two were likely munched on by some wild creatures velvety lips because they disappeared.  Luckily, the remaining plant didn't get eaten.  Additionally, the plant that continued to grow was the result of two seeds that sprouted side-by-side.  Two beautiful ruby red beets were pulled from the ground and promptly eaten by me!  I'd have shared them with John but he does not like beets.  I was so excited to have fresh beets that I neglected to photograph them.  You'll have to trust me when I say they were beautiful.  Many more will be planted next spring.

Time to make pickles!