It's official! We have a sizeable vegetable bed and herb bed established, complete with transplanted seedlings. We decided to establish the garden bed in a different location of the yard than where we began tilling. The ultimate deciding factor was the gardens proximity to the water barrels.
The garlic is booming and is a little more than a month away from harvest time. Judging by the size of several of the stalks, we should have many large beautiful bulbs of garlic come July.
The rock divider separates the vegetable garden from the herb garden. Transplanted sage plants look lovely in their new location. Very tiny leek plants are planted there, too. Soon basil, thyme, oregano, dill, marjoram, tarragon, rosemary, parsley and mojito mint will fill the remaining space in the herb garden.
More photos coming soon of the existing flower beds in the yard as well as a new bed we're going to establish in the back yard this weekend. We have one remaining flat of flower seedlings that need a new and permanent home. Gosh, I enjoy this time of year!