Friday, May 10, 2013

Black raspberry trellis

The black raspberries finally have a suitable trellis to climb on.  Here's hoping that the canes take to their new support system and flourish.

After visiting the local botanic garden to check out their system for supporting berry canes, I tried to mimic their set-up.  Two U-Style fence posts were purchased along with hook & eye turnbuckle screws, galvanized cable, and galvanized cable thimbles.

In order to keep the fence posts straight, and in turn keep the support cables taut, the same hardware will be used to pull the fence posts in the opposite direction of the support cables.  Otherwise, I'm pretty pleased with the results.  The botanic garden employed a 5x5" square wood fence post, which is sturdier and more rigid than the steel fence posts that I used, but, heck, I wasn't up for drilling large holes in the posts to affix the hardware or digging holes to bury them.

New blooms!

This small 6" tall iris grows along the side of the garage,
evenly spaced between the 'Blue Spectacle' tulips.

Tulipa 'Blue Spectacle' (Double Late Tulip)

A garden is a grand teacher.
It teaches patience and careful watchfulness;
it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.  
~Gertrude Jekyll

Gardens are not made by singing 'Oh, how beautiful,' and sitting in the shade.
~Rudyard Kipling