Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We grew Cardinal Climber flower (Ipomoea multifida) specifically to attract hummingbirds and it worked like a charm!

The overall harvest from the garden was plentiful.  This past weekend I picked any remaining vegetables and pulled many spent plants from the ground.  Winterizing the garden, if you will.  A few Brussels sprouts remain as they're still yielding tasty sprouts.  As for the plants I hacked down, I decided to cook the greens from the plants.  It seemed like such a waste to ignore so much of the plant.  I'd not ever eaten Brussels sprouts greens but figured that like collards, kale, chard, etcetera, they'd be super yummy.  Guess what?  They are!  A 1:1 ratio of water and chicken stock, olive oil, two strips of chopped bacon and Penzy's Shallot-Pepper Seasoning (coarse salt, Tellicherry black pepper, shallots, tarragon and bay leaves).  The greens smelled heavenly while they simmered away and they didn't have to cook for nearly as long as I thought they might need to.  After an hour and a half at a rolling simmer they were tender and delicious.

Garlic cloves will be planted this coming weekend for next July's harvest.

I've already begun making plans for next year's garden design and what will be grown.  Without question, less tomatoes and more of an overall variety of vegetables and flowers.  Since the garden plot is established I can focus more intently on what to plant and where.  Compost will be ready, too.  Glorious.