Yesterday afternoon I spotted a praying mantis in one of the flower beds. Assuming this is the same mantid that's been seen in this general location before, it's about three inches in length now. It's eyes have taken on more of an amber color as well.
After spotting this leggy creature I dashed inside to grab the camera. By sheer luck I happened to take a picture of the mantid just after it caught a tiny caterpillar in its left forearm. Of course, I didn't realize this until after I uploaded the pictures to my laptop where I can really zoom in on small details.
I did, however, notice a nub of a tiny tube shaped object stuck to the tip of a leaf that the mantid took a bite out of. Enjoy this video of the praying mantis eating its catch. It's so Sci-Fi the way its jaws move sideways versus up and down.
Darn it! Why can't I upload videos?!
The Clearwing Hummingbird moths have been busy 'round the butterfly bush. I'm so glad that I learned about these creatures last summer. I no longer mistake them for bumble bees.
I love their shrimp-like bodies.
We have muskmelon! This afternoon I noticed five small muskmelon growing on the vines. The largest is about the size of a mango. The smallest is quite fuzzy and walnut sized.
The watering hole for the bees is always busy. I enjoy watching the bees land in the center of the cells and float on the surface of the water with their legs spread wide as they drink.
While I sit on the front porch creating this post, I'm in the company of Spencer and Chet. They're both happily napping and enjoying summer's warmth.
Pigs dangling everywhere. |
Chet laying in a typical sprawled fashion. |