Monday, September 22, 2014

Garlic 'n flowers 'n tomatoes 'n other stuff

What has been happening at Wright Gardens this season?  Here are some highlights:

'Cherry Glow' heirloom poppy

Red raspberries
Several pints of jam was made from this year's red raspberry harvest

Black raspberries
Just as the red raspberries, we made several pints of jam with these scrumptious jewels.
Half of our garlic harvest

Appealing curb

Drumhead cabbage

Zapotec Pleated tomatoes

Drumhead cabbage, assorted tomatoes, jalapeño peppers, and a 'Golden Midget' watermelon

Carving pumpkins along with a pie pumpkin awaiting its fate as a pie.

Pie pumpkins
That's a'lotta pie!

A mix of Brockton Horticultural and Good Mother Stallard beans; tomatoes and celery

 I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.  ~George Washington