Thursday, July 25, 2013

More garden goodness

Brockton Horticultural bean.
These, and three other bean varieties, will be allowed to dry in their pod
while still attached to the vine.  They will then be used to make chili and soup during the winter months.
I've already decided that twice as many beans will be planted in Wright Gardens next year.

Tomatillo flower

The papery husk of a tiny tomatillo.
This little "latern" is slightly smaller than a walnut.

A hornet enjoying dill pollen.

'Cherry Glow' heirloom poppy

Chet playing with his catnip-scented ball until...

...his belly suddenly needed cleaning.
What a position!

One of the day lilies that line our front fence.
Another one of the day lilies that line our front fence.
And yet another variety of day lily that lines our front fence.
Our newly laid patio complete with handmade table.
Beautiful functionality.