Monday, February 24, 2014

Homegrown Life: Tools and Tips for Homestead Hunting

Hello, is one of my favorite web sites.  It's chock full of like-minded individuals who desire to live a self-sufficient lifestyle by growing, preserving, and eating food they grow; raising animals for clean eggs, milk, and meat; and who share information for a myriad of DIY projects.  It's a virtual commune!

This morning, a new post to Homegrown's blog, Homegrown Life, was waiting for me in my email inbox.  It is titled Homegrown Life: Tools and Tips for Homestead Hunting and I enjoyed it so much that I'm sharing it here with you.  It seems like just the information needed to research where me and my beloved should buy land to have a small herd of goats and a small flock of chickens we so desire.

Happy reading and homestead researching!